Just last week, we went to Camp Kirkwood in Watha, North Carolina! There was a lot of anticipation and excitement to go there. Unfortunately, the trip nearly got postponed or even canceled. Thankfully, the camp counselors worked things out and we were on the bus in time. The ride there was interesting. I played blindfold chess against Deven and emerged victorious. I was also chit-chatting with Rohan. It was a two-hour bus ride.          

Once we arrived at camp, it was raining. We were caught in a hurricane! The hurricane’s name was Hurricane Idalia. We rushed into the pavilion where we were safe and sheltered from the rain. Once the storm cleared out and the safety instructions were given, we were assigned to cabins. We were in Cabin 8. Once our group got to the cabin, we changed into swim trunks and shirts. Then, we went to the flagpole which was the most common meeting place for finding out our next activities. I was in Group #4 and we did the Low Ropes course and the walk was sublime.

The next thing our group did was the Kanga Jump. The Kanga Jump is basically a squishy trampoline that made many people in our group fall off. After that, we went swimming. It was a lot of fun. Once we arrived back at the cabin, we played some games and went to sleep. To conclude, an amazing first day.

On the second day, we went to have breakfast. Breakfast was quite decent. They had a yogurt bowl which I really loved. The best activity in my opinion was the V-Swing. The V-Swing was basically a rope that holds you 30 feet in the air and makes you drop down in a parabola. It definitely gives you the fright of your life. I loved when we got to rest in hammocks. They were super comfy. Another thing that I really liked was that we went on a hike to a campfire. We made s’mores and sang songs. It was one of my favorite parts. We also swam again that day. We went to sleep as a tired but hopeful group.

On the third day, which was in my opinion the best day of the trip, we woke up and got ready for breakfast and our first activity. My first activity was canoeing on the lake. We even had a race in which we got second. There wasn’t a prize but it was still exciting. We were all half-drenched in the water when we came out! Our next activity was a zip line over the lake. You just have to trust yourself to survive. It was awesome.This was probably the second best activity in my opinion. The last activity was playing Gaga Ball and soon after, we had to bid farewell to Camp Kirkwood and its awesome staff. 

In conclusion, Camp Kirkwood is a phenomenal camp with a lot of great opportunities. Everybody missed Camp and hoped to go there again.

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